Download Fillable AF Form 55 – Employee Safety and Health Record | PDF

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Fillable AF Form 55 – Employee Safety and Health Record | PDF

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An AF Form 55 is used to document initial and recurring safety training. It also serves as an employee health and safety record. This record is always to be kept in the workplace and training must always be updated as necessary.

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Although this form in the past has been available on the USAF documentation web site, acquisition of this form may now only occur by obtaining the form through the chain of command.

How to Fill-in

  • Step 1 – Completion of Section One

Section one of AF Form 55 must be completed by supervising authority within the work place. The work place supervising officer. The officer must fill in their name, social security number, organization or work place identification, these would be placed in boxes 1-3. Boxes 4 and 5 must state the official title you use and duties.

  • Step 2 – Occupational Hazards

In box 6 you must list all occupational hazards no matter how minimal or how severe. You must indicate the likelihood of the possibility of each hazard.

  • Step 3 – Occupational Health Exam Requirements

In box 7 you must list any health examinations that may be required for duties in the work place.

  • Step 4 – Mandatory Items Check List

You must be responsible to inform your crew of all of the hazards and precautions that must be taken by your crew. You must check off the boxes on the check list as necessary and as you inform your crew. This check list must remain in the work place and accessible. Continue to check the boxes as you train and inform your crew members. It’s mandatory that all boxes are eventually checked. Continue to update the form as you continue to provide safety training to your crew.

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