Download Form G-28 | Notice of Attorney or Representative Appearance

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Form G-28 | Notice of Attorney or Representative Appearance

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The purpose of Form G-28, which is also titled Notice of Entry of Appearance as Attorney or Accredited Representative has been put into place by the Department of Homeland Security for notification that an attorney or accredited representative of organizations that may be charitable organizations, religious, social service organizations or any organizations that may be similar, would intend to appear before the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services on the behalf of an applicant who would be involved in any matter that is before the appropriate Government agency. There will be three pages to complete. No filing fee is required.

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How to Fill-in

  • Step 1 – Information About Attorney or Representative

Using the instruction sheet within the link provided above, fill in all of the required information in all parts of the application. Part one of the application will require that you check one box to indicate the DHS agency where the matter would be filed.

  • Step 2 – Eligibility Information for Attorney or Representative

After the agency information has been established you must fill in all of the remaining required information including the mailing address of the applicant, respondent or petitioner. It’s important to know that this information will not be required if it is being filed under the Violence Against Women Act. Otherwise the applicant, respondent or petitioner, must sign this form in black ink.

  • Step 3 – Disclosure

Applicant must check the box and fill in all of the required information about the state bar of admission. If you are subject to any suspension or order this information must be disclosed in Part 2 on form G-28. You must then check the box and fill in the organization that would be recognized by the Board of Immigration Appeals.

  • Step 4 – Print and Sign the Form for Submission

Once you’ve completed all of the required information you would migrate to Part 3 of the form print and sign your name and date the form in black ink only. Submit the form to the appropriate DHS office.

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