Download Newborn Baby Essentials Checklist

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Newborn Baby Essentials Checklist

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Being a parent in preparation for a new baby can be overwhelming at best. This would hold true especially for new, first time parents. The truth is there are only a few items needed to be prepared for your new baby. Most everything needed can be purchased after the baby arrives.

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How to Fill-In

If you plan to sleep with your baby, you will simply need the bed that you sleep in, if not, you may consider a cot with a set of sheets, some swaddling blankets.

You are always able to bathe your baby in the kitchen sink or you may even shower or bathe with the baby. In this case, you will only need a towel a mat for changing the baby and a bench, bed or even the floor.

If you plan to leave home in the early months, you must have a car seat. You may not need a stroller immediately, but you may need a baby carrier or sling. Often times the car seats made these days are perfectly comfortable for a baby to rest in during travel times and even in the grocery store sitting inside a cart.

It isn’t necessary to purchase much clothing prior to the birth of your baby. Perhaps 4 or 5 sleepers, some onsies or t shirts, short sleeved body suits and socks will do the trick in the beginning. You can enjoy shopping for the baby after he/she arrives. Remember, your friends and family will likely buy clothing as gifts.

  • If you will breastfeed, all you will need is breast pads to protect your clothing. You will needs bottles and formula if you plan to bottle feed.

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