Download Baby Shower Checklists | PDF

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Baby Shower Checklists | PDF

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A baby shower checklist allows a person that will host the event, typically a close friend of the expected mother, to handle all the preparations of the celebration. Typically, a baby shower will last anywhere from 2 to 3 hours. As the host or hostess of a baby shower, generally you can expect your day to begin with food and decorum preparations. If you can pull some friends or relatives on board to assist you with the preparation that’s great. You will need to get as much accomplished as you possibly can before the guests begin to arrive. You will want this process to be as relaxing as possible to avoid stress.

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How a Baby Shower is Scheduled

  1. Once everyone is present, about 30 to 40 minutes into the shower, there will be shower games. Generally there are 3 to 5 games planned for the guests, lasting 30 minutes or so all inclusive.
  2. After all of the games have been played by the guests and everyone has been appropriately rewarded with their prizes, the new Mom-to-be will then open the gifts that the guests have brought in celebration of the new baby.
  3. Once the gifts have been opened cake will be served to all. Then the party ends.
  4. If you would like, take a look at the information contained in the links above for ideas for themes, recipes and lists to help you organize your planned baby shower.


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