Download Yankee Stadium Seating Charts | Baseball | 3D | Soccer

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Yankee Stadium Seating Charts | Baseball | 3D | Soccer

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  • Address: One E. 161st St. Bronx, NY 10451
  • Capacity: 50,291

Yankee Stadium has just over 50,000 seats and another 2000 or so standing room only accommodations when they are available. This gives the home of Yankee baseball the largest capacity of any American League venue, and third largest capacity in the majors as a whole. And, it’s not just for baseball, as Yankee Stadium also hosts concerts, hockey, soccer and even football.

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During baseball games, the Yankees themselves sit between home and first, and visitors between home and third. Seating in Yankee Stadium tends to arrange itself in concentric rings, with each successive ring located one level further back from the playing field.

Just behind the players are the Legends Suite seats, perhaps the best in the house, and extending just a bit into right and left field are the Champions Suite seats.

The Field Seats are directly behind Legends and Champions. Field Seats extend to almost the entire circumference of the playing field, and end only at the top of the outfield where the player’s dugouts are located. Between the dugouts is Monument Park, a museum honoring Yankee baseball traditions.

Behind the Field Seats, in the area of home plate, are the Delta Sky seats. On either side of them, extending most of the way around the field, there is the Main Seating section. Still in this “circle”, and above the dugouts are the Bleachers, and filling the very top of the field, above Monument Park, are the Mohegan Sun Sports Bar and the Batters Eye Seats.

The next ring begins, again right behind home plate, with the Luxury Suites. On the right field side, these seats extend up to the bleachers, and on the left field side, The Audi Yankees Club can be found just before the Bleachers.

The next level back begins with Terrace seating, and then Jim Beam seating extend to the top of the outfield to the video board. The final ring is for Grandstand seating.

When hosting a Hockey game, the playing field for this game runs back and forth, just above where first base and third base would otherwise be during a baseball game. Fans are cautioned that some of the seats closest to field level have obstructed views. For Football games, the end zones are nearest to where home base and the top of the outfield would be located for baseball.

As mentioned, Yankee Stadium is also a great venue for concerts of all types. Unlike sports venues, concert seating will be available on what would other wise be the playing field, and these seats tend to be the most expensive. The performers of concerts in Yankee Stadium occupy the area that, during baseball games, is the infield.


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