Download Promotion Point Worksheet (Army) | Fillable PDF

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Promotion Point Worksheet (Army) | Fillable PDF

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You have the determination and focus to earn promotion through the enlisted ranks, but the promotion system in the Army is based on a point scale and other requirements. Understanding the system and using a promotion point worksheet to figure out what tasks you should complete are important in being promoted.

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Understanding the system, where and how to get points, and how much different accomplishments are worth are the keys to filling out the promotional requirements. Army promotion points can be divided into four primary categories:

  • Military Training
  • Military Awards/Decorations
  • Military Education
  • Civilian Education

Military Training Points

The first category encompasses your APFT score, your weapons specialization, and the number of months you’ve been deployed. APFT points are based on your PT score, but are not the same. For example, a PT score of 200 equals 60 APFT points, and 250 equals 110 APFT points. Consult a conversion chart to find the correct number of points. Similarly, weapons qualifications points convert to different promotional point scores, depending on your primary weapon, with an E-6 Staff Sergeant, for example, potentially getting from 28 to 100 points depending on his or her skill with the M249 AR. You take the numbers of points from these two categories, and combine them with 2 points for each month of service you’ve been deployed, and this is your total points under Military Training.


For awards, it’s important to make sure each award you have earned is accurately recorded in your file and then find a conversion chart to calculate your total. For example, a Good Conduct Medal is worth 10 points, and a Parachute Badge is worth 10 too.

Military Education

Your education score will depend on the courses you attended and your performance in them. For sergeants, for example, the score will range from 80 to 112 points, depending on which school they attended and whether they graduated on the Commandant’s List or with distinction. Completing Ranger and Special Forces courses will add different point totals, as will extension courses and correspondence courses. Research the courses you’ve completed to see whether they qualify.

Civilian Education

Completing a degree while on active duty affords soldiers 10 points. Otherwise, each semester hour of college or trade school completed will earn 1.5 points. High school / GED completion does not add points. To use your civilian education toward promotion, be sure to obtain official transcripts.


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