Download 10-Day Detox Diet Plan | Meal by Meal with Recipes

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10-Day Detox Diet Plan | Meal by Meal with Recipes

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A Ten (10) day diet plan is a way of purifying and getting rid of unhealthy toxins that may be in your blood. Ten days is a suitable amount of time to do this and the diet will consist of many healthy vegetables that may cause stomach cramps and bowel movements.

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Foods to Eat

The following should/should not be generally be eaten during the course of the detox diet;

Recommended Not Recommended
  • whole vegetables, leafy greens
  • brown rice, non-gluten grains
  • stevia
  • beans, lentils
  • green tea, apple cider vinegar
  • wild fish, organic chicken & turkey
  • whole fruits, berries, nuts, seeds
  • coconut oil
  • plant-based protein powder
  • dairy and eggs
  • gluten, wheat
  • processed sugar
  • soy
  • coffee, soda, alcohol
  • beef, pork
  • creamed vegetables, peanuts
  • corn oil
  • whey protein

Meal Plan Days 1 Thru 5

The following meals should be planned out from days 1 thru 5 along with the shopping list;

Meal Plan Days 6 Thru 10


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