Download ADHD Checklist | Adult | Parents

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ADHD Checklist | Adult | Parents

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ADHD stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. In a child, the condition has two broad sets of symptoms. They are distractibility and the combination of hyperactivity and impulsivity. Thus the ADHD Checklist comes in two parts.

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ADHD Indicators

For the set of indicators concerned with distractibility, our checklist begins with a consistent disability the child exhibits in keeping his or her attention fixed on an activity, be it work or play. Another indication is an unusual amount of forgetfulness.

The child may also ignore details and make an unusual number of careless mistakes in everyday activities. Similarly, the child may also be easily distracted from whatever task is at hand.

Another indicator on the ADHD Checklist is that the child simply won’t pay attention, even when spoken to in a direct fashion. Difficulty in understanding instructions may be noticed and even when the instructions do register, the child often doesn’t follow through, and consistently leaves things unfinished.

Consistently loosing things is another symptom on the checklist, as is having much more difficulty in organizing things or getting ready to do things than would be typical for a child of his or her age. Indeed, a general dislike of any activity that requires sustained concentration is also a point on the ADHD Checklist.

The second part of the ADHD Checklist concerns itself with hyperactivity and impulsivity. The first item on the list is an inability to stop talking, even when the child has nothing in particular to say. He or she simply can’t do anything quietly, or as one exasperated mom put it “doesn’t seem to come equipped with an off switch”.

The child will commonly be observed fidgeting. Also he or she seems incapable of remaining seated for any length of time and is always running, jumping and zooming about with what seems like an inexhaustible supply of restless energy.

Other points on the ADHD Checklist include an inability to keep emotions in check. Acting without thinking may also be observed, as will be an inability to wait in lines and a general inability to wait for anything. Constantly interrupting others, both peers and adults may be observed.

The child may have a quick temper, and often argues with both peers and adults. There may also be a tendency to consistently disobey the rules that other children generally follow. He or she may tend to be a bully and even to start fights, and may exhibit a general aura of anger and resentfulness.


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