Download First | New Apartment Checklist – PDF

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First | New Apartment Checklist – PDF

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The first (1st) apartment checklist allows a person to organize and manage their furniture and personal needs together when moving into their first residence.

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This form should be filled-in with the idea that not everything can be completed in one (1) day and to itemize the following;

  • Entrance/Mud Area
  • Living Area
  • Dining Area
  • Office/Study
  • Kitchen
    • Appliances
    • Cookware
    • Dinnerware
    • Kitchen Utensils
    • Flatware Set
    • Cleaning/Dishes
    • Knives
    • Glassware
  • Sleeping Area/Bedroom
  • Bathroom Toilet
  • Cleaning
  • Laundry
  • Tools

How to Organize a Move into a First (1st) Apartment

The first thing to do is begin to get rid of things that you no longer need. The last thing you want to do is move into your new apartment looking for a place to store things that you will never use again. Consider giving your things away to others who may need them, donate them or have a sale and use the money to get new things that you will need.

Once you have cleared out the things you no longer need or want, it’s time to clean and pack the things you want to take with you. You first need to gather packing supplies, boxes, tape, markers and things to wrap your things in before you place them into the boxes to keep them safe during your move.

If you will be moving yourself, you will need to make arrangements and reserve a moving vehicle. There are several moving truck rental companies. Shop around, there is plenty of competition and you can get a moving vehicle relatively inexpensively if you make plans earlier rather than later.

You will need to do the same, even if you plan to hire a moving company with movers. Don’t wait until the last minute. If you hire a moving company, be certain to take the time to check their reputation in the industry, their insurance policies and any guarantees they offer. Get everything in writing!

Be sure to forward your personal mail to your new address. If you’re moving into your first apartment, be certain you contact your utility companies and any other services you will be using to discuss what is required of you and get your ducks in a row with regard to deposits and arranging dates for connection. If you’re moving to a new apartment, you will need to make arrangements to transfer your current services. Do this well in advance to ensure that all of your services are in order before you move in.

If you are moving into your first apartment, you will need many things to cook with, keep your place clean and of course, you will need furniture. You will need to do some shopping. You may wish to wait until you actually move in, so that you don’t have to buy your new items and then pack and pay to move them. Besides, one of your friends or family members may give you a house warming party and it just may be that your friends and relatives may buy something for you, that is on your list of needs.


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