Download Alabama Notary Public Forms

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Alabama Notary Public Forms

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A notary public in Alabama is a person that is authorized by the State and probate county the resident is located to sign and witness official documents (See all powers in Act 2011-295). All filings must be made at the probate county, to find your court, use the locator. The term for a new notary or for a renewal is four (4) years.

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  • At least eighteen (18) years of age
  • Resident of Alabama (Usually can be proved with a driver’s license)
  • Must have a bond of at least twenty five thousand dollars ($25,000)

How to Become a Notary in Alabama

Step 1Application – Fill out the notary application. Education is not required and as long as the applicant meets the above listed requirements they may be eligible. The term is for a period of four (4) years. Unlike most States, in Alabama, the designation is produced by the probate county and not the Secretary of State.

After completing the form the applicant will need to file the form at the probate county he or she resides. Once approved, the individual may proceed.

Step 2Bond – The applicant will need to obtain a bond in the amount of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000). This can be obtained from one of the following websites/companies;

File the bond at the probate county court. There will be a fee assessed (most counties it is $42.00) .

Step 3Embossing Seal – The notary must obtain the proper stamps and seals in order to perform their notary duties. In Alabama, a certified notary must use, at the very least, the embossing seal. This can be ordered online from private companies including;



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