Download Arizona Department of Revenue Tax Forms

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Arizona Department of Revenue Tax Forms

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It has been mandated by the State of Arizona that any tax preparation professional who has been approved by the IRS, will automatically approved by the State to submit electronic returns. There is not other type of approval process.

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Tax Brackets in Arizona

Single Individuals Married Couples
$ % $ %
$0 2.59% $0+ 2.59%
$10,000+ 2.88% $20,000+ 2.88%
$25,000+ 3.36% $50,000+ 3.36%
$50,000+ 4.24% $100,000+ 4.24%
$150,000+ 4.54% $300,000+ 4.54%


The state of Arizona will provide an extension for the same period that is covered by any federally accepted extension. You will not need to fill out an extension form in Arizona if you’re enclosing a tax payment. You will not need to attach any copies of federal extension form 204 when you file your return. Please be certain to check box 82F on the first page of your state return.

You would then mail your return to:

Arizona Department of Revenue

  • PO Box 29085, Phoenix, AZ 85038-9085 (when mailing payment)
  • PO Box 52138, Phoenix, AZ 85072-2138 (when mailing without payment)

You may also file electronically if you are a Arizona state resident, part year resident or non-resident filer. Your returns may be transmitted as a state only return or you may transmit your state form along with your federal return.

Mail Returns To:

  • Arizona Department of Revenue P.O. Box 29205 – Phoenix, Arizona, 85038-9205

Return Without Refund:

  • Arizona Department of Revenue P.O. Box 29204, Phoenix, Arizona , 85038-9204


  • Arizona Department of Revenue PO box 29085 -Phoenix, AZ 85038-9085

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