Download Arkansas LLC Articles of Organization Forms

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Arkansas LLC Articles of Organization Forms

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The Arkansas articles of organization allows for a person to make an LLC. An individual may file online or through the paper forms. There is a filing fee that can be processed online or attached to the document if sent to the Secretary of State’s office. To encourage online filing, the Secretary charges a lesser fee for forming the company using their website.

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How To File 

Option 1File Online – And pay the filing fee at the end of the session;

Option 2Download Forms – Use one of the following paper documents;

  • Domestic (LL-01) – $50 – For all new limited liability companies that will be located inside the State
  • Foreign (F-01) – $300 – For all existing limited liability companies that will be located outside the State

Send the completed document and attached check to the following address:

Business and Commercial Services, 1401 West Capitol, Ste. 250, Little Rock, Arkansas 72201-1094


  • Apply for an EIN Number – This will allow you to open a bank account and apply for business credit.
  • Articles of Organization – This document allows a person to be able to protect themselves and help proves (if Sole Proprietor) that he or she is actually an entity and not just an asset shield. If more than 1 member, this form allows for a person to be able to protect themselves from their partners.


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