Download Biweekly Timesheet Template | Fillable | Excel

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Biweekly Timesheet Template | Fillable | Excel

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The process of tracking an employee’s time is subject to different requirements at different places of employment and can also vary for different types of employees at the same location. Because there are so many sources of Biweekly Timesheet Templates available from a multitude of sources online, and you may well be able to find one that suits your specific purposes.

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Just about every Biweekly Timesheet Template that you find online is designed to work with a spreadsheet program, and that spreadsheet program will almost certainly be Excel. It is also possible for many users to build their own template so as to satisfy any specific needs, no matter what they are.

How to Complete a Biweekly Timesheet Template

Whether you build it or download it, your Biweekly Timesheet Template should begin with an identification block. This section should include spaces to enter the employee’s name, manager and or department, and the first day of the two-week period being accounted for.

Below that are five master columns that will define most of the rest of our Biweekly Timesheet Template. They are called master columns because some of them will also have subsidiary columns under which the actual information is entered. These master columns are Date, Day-of Week, Times, Total For Day and Time Allotment.

Under these column definitions, the Biweekly Timesheet Template will allot one line to contain all the information needed to completely define how the employee spends his or her day.

Under Date, the first column of the first line will contain the same date as we entered earlier as the first date of the two-week period that we are accounting for. That date can automatically be transposed from the cell in which it was initially specified. Under Day-Of-Week, the appropriate day of week, such as Monday or Saturday, will be automatically entered by Excel by using a function of the spreadsheet.

The next column, Times, will include at least two subsidiary columns for Start and Finish. The sequence will generally be repeated twice, because most employees sign in once in the morning, and once after lunch.

Excel will automatically fill in the entry under the next column, the Total For Day column. Excel has a function that can figure out the time that elapses between each Start and Finish, from the Times column, and add the total for each separate Start and Finish sequence.

The final column, Time Allotment, has four subsidiary columns: Straight Time and Overtime. These, too, will be filled in automatically. If the Total For Day entry is less than or equal to eight hours, the same number is transposed into Straight Time. If it is over eight hours, eight hours is automatically entered into Straight Time, and the excess over eight is entered into overtime.

There will be up to 14 lines in this main section of out Biweekly Timesheet Template, depending on the number of days worked in the two-week period. On the bottom, the columns are automatically summed up.


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