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Book Report Template | Cereal | PDF | Word |RTF

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Depending on how advanced the educational level of the students is and the instructions from the teacher, a book report may require a summary of the story and the student’s opinion, or it could require some analysis of the theme and characters. In any case, you will have to read and demonstrate some understanding of the book, and using a template to guide your writing will help you complete the report.

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While reading, take notes on the major plot elements and the characters’ story arcs as they progress.

How to Use a Book Report Template

Most book reports can be divided into the following sections:

  1. Reference information
  2. Genre
  3. Characters
  4. Setting
  5. Plot
  6. Theme
  7. Personal opinion

1. This will consist of some basic information about the book, including its title, the author’s name, and when the book was published.

2. This asks what type of book it is. Is it a biography, fictional horror, postmodern work, comedy, etc.? Thinking about the book’s genre will also help you flesh out the characters and the themes if need be.

3. Here, explain what you know about the characters, including their professions, desires, backgrounds, and what they do. How do the characters carry themselves? Do they use any memorable dialogue? Many characters have individual storylines that are designed to demonstrate an idea below the surface. Do any of the characters’ stories do this?

4. The setting should be easy to identify, but it may reveal important information about the theme or characters. Examples of settings would be medieval France, a city in England during the Industrial Revolution, or rural Tennessee during the 1990s. A rural setting, for example, could help emphasize a theme showing humanity’s connection to nature.

5. Summarize the main points of the story and write your opinion of it. Did you think it was intriguing, realistic, or bizarre? Justify your opinion.

6. If the assignment asks you to discuss the book’s theme, think about any ideas it seems the author was trying to convey with the events or character arcs. Are there any ideas about human relationships or cultures underlying the story? Consider how the dialogue, events, or characters affect the theme.

7. For your personal opinion, write about what you think the weaknesses and strengths of the book are. Consider all of the elements above and how they interact. How effective was the book in telling a good story given its genre? Think about whether you’d recommend the book to others and give a final opinion.


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