Download California Articles of Incorporation Forms

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California Articles of Incorporation Forms

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  • Revised 03/2014

Use the California articles of incorporation forms to start a corporation in the State. There is no online filing with the Secretary of State. All new entity formations must be done through selecting the application that best fits the type of business you will be creating, attaching the filing fee, and sending to the Secretary of State’s office. After approval, you will be required to file the Statement of Information which will complete the process.

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  • Check Name Availability – It is recommended that when a new corporation is being applied for that the user check with the business database to make no other duplicate names exist.

How to File

Step 1 – Select Your Form – Choose the application that best fits the type of corporation that fits the business being formed;

  • $100Most PopularGeneral Common Stock – For any standard new corporation that will be located within the State.
  • $100Close – Limits the corporation to 35 different shareholders which act as the managers of the entity.
  • $100Professional – For an entity located in the State that holds a special license such as a medical or law office.
  • $30Non Profit Mutual Benefit – For the benefit of the members of the entity and may not apply for tax exempt status from the IRS.
  • $30Non Profit Public Benefit (501c3) – A typical tax exempt or charitable organization.
  • $30Religious – Any type of standard religious organization.
  • $30Common Interest Development – Related to homeowner associations that govern a housing development or condominium facility.

After completing the form selected write a check for the amount stated and make payable to the California Secretary of State.

Step 2 – Mail – Get the fee and completed form and send to the following address:

Secretary of State
Business Entities, P.O. Box 944260
Sacramento, CA 94244-2600

You will receive the completed formation in the mail to the address provided in the  within 3 to 4 weeks to the address provided in in the articles.

Step 3 – Statement of Information – After receiving the completed corporation in the mail the Statement of Information must be filed either online or in one of the paper forms below within ninety (90) days;

Send the completed document along with the fee to the address provided;

California Secretary of State
Statement of Information Unit
P.O. Box 944230
Sacramento, CA 94244-2300

Contact Information


  • Apply for an EIN – This number is much like a Social Security number for a person. This allows a corporation to apply and get a bank account, credit cards, and participate in financial activity. Apply Online directly from the Internal Revenue Service website.
  • Corporate Bylaws – Allows the owners, or shareholders, to create rules for the corporation’s day-to-day operations. This form is helpful if the entity is in a partner-like situation to ensure that even if the split is 50/50, each person is obligated to perform their share of the business tasks.


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