Download CHP Incident Report – STD-99

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CHP Incident Report – STD-99

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The California Highway Patrol (CHP) is the state’s foremost law enforcement agency, with vast responsibilities for a wide range of public safety concerns, including counter terrorism. Within the CHP, the State Security Division (SSD) mandates and coordinates the collection of incident and crime reports. The document they use is the STD.99, Report of Crime or Criminally Caused Property Damage on State Property. The form is available online, and it can be filled out online and downloaded to your computer.

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How to Fill in STD-99

The second page of the STD.99 states that the form must be completed either by the responding CHP officer or by the representative of the state facility where the crime was committed. It then goes on as to how to fill out the first page of the form, and then reminds the respondent to file the completed for with the local CHP office.

The densely packed first page of the STD.99 has 13 areas called Item Numbers for the respondent to fill out, and another 2 for CHP use only.

The first item number of the STD.99 is for the date and time of the incident and it’s discovery. The type of crime being reported is listed in the second item number. The third and fourth item numbers contains the name of the individual reporting the incident and the agency to which that individual belongs. If appropriate, the case number assigned by the responding law enforcement agency is entered into item number nine.

The address of the crime is entered into the fifth item number, and the address of the agency filling in the report is contained in the sixth. The phone number of the individual mentioned in item three must be entered into item seven of the STD.99

If a law enforcement agency other than the CHP responded to the incident, it must be identified in the eighth item number of STD.99. If the CHP was the agency responding to the incident, the agency itself does not have to fill out the form.If appropriate, the case number is entered into item number nine.

Item number ten is to record the names relevant to the incident. There are boxes to check indicating if the individual is a victim, suspect, witness, employee, visitor, or if his or her status is unknown. You can click the “add line” button on this online form to add lines for as many individuals as needed. There is also space available here in the STD.99 for input if workplace violence is an issue in this incident.

Item number eleven on the STD.99 is simply to indicate the type of facility in which the crime occurred. Item twelve is a space to describe the crime in words. The STD.99 calls it the “Who, What, Where, and How.”

Finally, if property was damaged or stolen during the incident descriptions of the property are entered into the boxes of the thirteenth item number of STD.99. As in item number ten, you can use as many lines as you need to.

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