Download Connecticut Name Change Forms – PDF Templates

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Connecticut Name Change Forms – PDF Templates

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  • Name Change Forms
  • Instructions
    • Adults
    • Minor Children
    • Additional Forms
      • Applicant’s Long Form Birth Certificate
      • Two (2) types of Identification

For anyone looking to change their name in the state of Connecticut; you must follow the state statute code 45a-99. You can change your name due to marriage; a divorce; or for any personal reason; just as long as its done legally. Follow the steps below to further understand the process of changing your name in Connecticut.

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  • Step 1

First be sure you meet the requirements like being the minimum age of 18 years old, and have an original birth certificate and social security card to prove and verify that you are of legal age, along with your personal identification card (I.D.). You have to be a resident of Connecticut for at least 6 months in order for the judge to even consider approving your name changing petition. If you married or divorced that the original for that need to be seen as well. If you meet all the above requirements now its time to fill out an Name Change Petition.

  • Step 2

You must get this petition notarized, and you can do so at a local branch bank by a notary; if you happen to already be with a branch bank you should go to that one as getting this form notarized can be free when you have a relationship with the bank. Along with this petition you must fill out and include another form called the Name Change Affidavit, both the Name Change petition and Affidavit should be filed together at the Probate Court in your Area.

  • Step 3

Now that you have both forms done you must file them to the county clerks office in the county of you residence. There will be a $150 filing fee for processing, and you will have to sign a paper of consent for them to have permission for a background check. You may get a hearing if you aren’t married or divorced; the reason why is that the judge will be personally curious to why you want a name change so no need to worry. After completing all of the process the clerks office will be in touch to let you know if you have been approved. You will be given a decree, which is a document you can use to change your name at any and all legal institutions.

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