Download Donation Thank You Letter Templates | Samples

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Donation Thank You Letter Templates | Samples

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A donation thank you letter helps to build relationships with your donors to secure future funding, and an effective way of appreciate funds being given to the organization will help you do so. These letters can also serve as donation receipts for donors to use on their tax returns.

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Donating money without expecting anything in return is one of the most generous acts a person can do. It’s only natural then to express gratitude for the donation with a donation thank you letter, and here’s how to write one that will make the recipient feel appreciated.

How to Write

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In general, your letters need to strengthen you relationships with donors, so the content needs to be personable and communicate specifically what will be done with the donor’s funds. Mention how long the donor has supported your cause. Talking about your organization’s mission will also help create a connection with the donor by showing him or her the good work the donation is going towards.

The letter should be formatted like business letters are. Thus, you should include a heading aligned to the left like this:


[Your organization]
[Your organization’s address]
[Your organization’s phone number]
[Your organization’s email address]

Skip a line and write the donor’s name and address in the same format, and begin the letter with “Dear Mr./Ms. [donor’s last name],”.

Then add a general thank you statement, such as “[Organization name] thanks you for your generous gift of [dollar amount of gift] made on [date gift was received].” Feel free to be warmer by using a phrase such as “deepest thanks” or “it means the world to us.”

Next, talk about what the organization does with donations specifically. For example, if your organization rescues stray animals, state your general mission and then give an example of how the donation will directly help an animal, such as “the two cats we rescued today will have warm, comfortable places to sleep and food and water tonight because of kind donors like you.” You can add another statement that describes the good work your organization does as well.

You can wrap up the letter by saying you hope the donor supports your organization in the future, and remind them their gift is tax deductible. Thank the donor again, and then finish the letter with “Sincerely,” and your signature.

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