Download Event Registration Sign-Up Form | PDF | Word

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Event Registration Sign-Up Form | PDF | Word

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An event registration sign up sheet is used to gather attendees for a gathering at a particular time for a group. The event can be anything from a gathering of friends, reunion, or a company function. Depending on the size and the sign-up fees the event may or may not provide food, hospitality, and options to do other things for an additional fee. Sign-up is usually requested at least three (3) months before the event date.

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How to Write


The event form should be printed and sent with the following information provided to the possible attendee’s;

  • Event Name
  • Date
  • Attendee’s Information
    • Full Name
    • Organization
    • Preferred Mailing Address
    • Telephone
    • Email
  • Conference Fees
  • Additional Fees (if any)
  • Payment Information
    • Credit Card Number
    • Name on Card
    • Telephone and Fax to Send Payment
  • Signature of Authorization

The signature of the attendee should be handwritten after printing as electronic signatures are not always legally binding.

Credit card information should be sent through the telephone or via fax.

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