Download First (1st) Grade Math Worksheets

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First (1st) Grade Math Worksheets

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The first (1st) grade math worksheets are essential for the beginning steps to educating children at this level. Some ways to assist children in acquiring their personal highest levels of math competency may be:

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  • Work with your children to master the basic math facts. Math facts are usually considered mastered when a child can give an answer in 3 seconds or less.
  • Be prepared to assist your child immediately when help is needed if possible. If an educator is unavailable, provide your own assistance or consider a learning center or tutor.
  • Encourage your child to learn to write their numbers neatly. When children experience errors while solving math problems, about 25% of the time it’s because they misread their own handwriting. Worksheets they can trace over numbers with, will help them become more coordinated in number writing.
  • Provide a little extra work with a math worksheet now and again. A little more practice will move them forward in a more positive direction encouraging self confidence.
  • Help your children learn to do “mental math.” Having children learn to answer problems in their heads. This helps them move through a problem faster even when it’s required that they show their work with pencil and paper.
  • Show your children how to solve word problems. Check with them frequently to see if they understand math terms. If they don’t, you may wish to go over the terms with them until eventually they are committed to memory.
  • Include math in your children’s life. Comparing grocery prices at the store, teach them to measure items, weigh things, there are many ways for them to enjoy math in real life situations.
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