Download Fractions Worksheets – Printable | PDF

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Fractions Worksheets – Printable | PDF

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Fractions worksheets allow for students and adults help learn the art of calculating fractions. Constant practice seems to be the only available option for defeating any fear that you will never be able to understand how to calculate fractions.

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It isn’t necessarily the concept of a fraction that proves to be so difficult for children or even adults for that matter, to learn. More, it seems to be the unending operations with addition, multiplication, division, simplifying, comparing etc. If you just look at all of the rules alone, you begin to understand why parents go into assistance with fractions homework assignments with loving intentions and come away with patches of hair left on the floor and the children look like they have put their fingers in light sockets.

Students can be required to simply memorize the rules, but then what? They have no idea where the rules come from and are all in all meaningless to them. It’s just too easy to forget the rules or remember the rules incorrectly.

Teachers and students often agree that teaching/learning fractions with visual aids is far more effective than rule memorization. The links above provide worksheets addressing both ways of learning how to calculate fractions. They are printable and available to teachers, parents and children alike. Explore your options and work with what best benefits you and/or your children.

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