Download Georgia Articles of Incorporation Forms

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Georgia Articles of Incorporation Forms

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The Georgia articles of incorporation allow a person to make a corporation. All of the forms are no longer in existence and must now be completed online with exception to the foreign (out-of-state) which is still available for download.

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  • Check Name Availability – Make sure the entity selected does not coincide with another name that is the same or closely similar. The State will reject all duplicate filings.

How to File

Option 1 – Apply Online Go to the Georgia Secretary of State’s website and start the application process of filing online. This is the only way to create a corporation if you are seeking the Domestic (in-state) incorporation which is the most common. After completing the process you will be directed to pay the $100 filing fee by credit card.

  • If you are not in the cGov360 system you will have to register

*Option 2 – Fill out Physical Form *This is only available for corporations that are already in existence in another State and seeking to do business in Georgia. Fill in the form and attach the $225 filing fee payable to the Georgia Secretary of State and send to:

237 Coliseum Drive
Macon, Georgia 31217

Contact Information

  • Telephone – 1(404) 656-2817
  • E-Mail


  • Opening a Bank Account – It is required when conducting financial activity to apply for a Employer Identification Number in paper form or by filing online. This is a number designated by the IRS to your corporation so it may keep track for tax purposes.
  • Corporate Bylaws – This form is highly recommended in order to prove the business status in case if the entity is audited by the IRS or is requested by an outside party for legal legal purposes. This form dictates what the day to day activities of the business are and outlines it’s ownership.


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