Download Gloria Jean’s Job Application

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Gloria Jean’s Job Application

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Download and complete this document to apply for a position at any Gloria Jean’s coffee shop. It helps to have prior history working in the coffee industry especially if you are a trained barista.

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How to Apply

Step 1 – Fill in the Application – It is best to fill in the physical form on your computer and print but you may also complete by hand. Try to write if you decide to do it by hand in your best penmanship.

Step 2 – Go to a Store – Wherever you may be in the world, you can find a store using the store locator tool that their website provides. It is best to approach the store manager at the location desired.

When meeting with the supervisor, it is best to go well dressed and during the hours you think it would be least busy. You may have to wait for the manager to become available and once meeting you will be notified of any positions available. Hand in the form and if you are qualified you will either receive a call or e-mail on a date that will begin your training.

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