Download Hare Psychopathy Checklist

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Hare Psychopathy Checklist

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For twenty years Dr. Hare has researched the world of psychopathy with the University of British Columbia. His psychopathy check list is well researched and is even available for self check online. It is strongly recommended that no one use the list as a layman in any attempt to “diagnose” friends or family members.

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The Hare Psychopathy Checklist which has been recently revised and is quickly being used much more worldwide, as the standard diagnostic with it’s high level of reliability for researchers, psychiatrist and psychologists. The PCL-R and PCL:SV are valid predictors of violence and response to any therapeutic intervention decided for the patient respectively. These play a very important role in most of the recent risk-for-violence situations presented. The PCL-R is now considered “state of the art” and one of the most comprehensive check lists available after being reviewed for both clinical situations and for the purpose of research, in Buros Mental Measurements Yearbook of 1995.

The links above are meant for personal use only.

**Please be advised that the information provided here is not meant to provide any psychological or psychiatric diagnosis of any kind whatsoever. If you feel after examining the links above that you may be in need of psychiatric or psychological assistance, please contact a mental health facility in your area and speak with a professional with regards to your concerns. Again, these links are in no way meant for anyone to “diagnose” anyone else, friends, family members’s, colleagues, neighbors, anyone at all, at any time.**

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