Download Hotel Credit Card Authorization Forms

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Hotel Credit Card Authorization Forms

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Use the hotel credit card authorization form to charge a credit card in order to pay for a room and other expenses made. Usually this is done when a person is on a business related trip or if another person decides to pay for bill at the end of their stay.

How to Fill-in

The person that is paying with their credit card may decide exactly what to pay for including;

  • Specific Dates
  • Room and Tax
  • Only Specific Incidentals (to be described)
  • Gift Certificate(s)
  • Food and Beverage(s)
  • Parking
  • Charges in the Banquet Area(s)
  • Guest Amenity
  • or All Stay Charges

In order to process the person that is charging the card, most likely the receptionist, will need the authorized amount, person staying (including signature), credit card number, name on card, expiration date, cardholder phone number, and the signature of the card holder. All of above named items may be faxed.

  • The receptionist, depending on the hotel, may need the 3 digit Security Number on the back of the card.

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