Download Idaho Articles of Incorporation Forms

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Idaho Articles of Incorporation Forms

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The Idaho articles of incorporation forms allow for an individual to form a corporation for the purposes of conducting profit or non-profit business within the State. All filings must be made by sending the completed application in the mail and attaching the filing fee ($100 for Profit – $30 for Non-Profit) and sending to the Secretary of State’s office.

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Check Corporation Name – Make sure that the name you select is unique and does not match any others on file by verifying in the business database. Just type in the name you want to use and all similar listings will appear (if any).

How to File

Step 1 – Complete the Form – Fill in the application that best matches the type of business you will be starting;

  • Domestic ProfitMost Common – For all standard entities that will have a principal place of business in he State.
  • Domestic Non-Profit – For all standard non-profit organizations that will be located in the State.
  • Professional – For corporations that will have a special license from the State such as a medical or law office.
  • Foreign Profit – For corporations located outside the State looking to conduct business in Idaho.
  • Foreign Non-Profit – For all non-profit organizations located outside the State looking to make a presence in Idaho.

Step 2 – Pay Fee – Make all payments to the Idaho Secretary of State and are as follows;

  • $100 for all profit entities
  • $30 for all non-profit entities
  • ***If the application is not typed a $20 fee must be added

Step 3 – Mail – Send all completed forms along with their filing fees to;

Idaho Secretary of State
450 N 4th Street
PO Box 83720
Boise, ID 83720-0080


  • Apply for EIN  – This number is free to get from the Internal Revenue Service and is required for a new corporation to open a bank account.
  • Corporate Bylaws – This form is highly recommended and outlines the ownership details as well as the operating activities of corporation. This form is mainly used to solidify the entity status.


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