Download Idaho State Tax Commission Tax Forms

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Idaho State Tax Commission Tax Forms

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In the state of Idaho any tax preparation specialist who has applied and been approved by the Internal Revenue Service, to electronically submit returns will also be approved for the same in the state of Idaho without further requirement for approval through the state.

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Tax Brackets

In the state of Idaho there are fourteen marginal tax brackets that will range from the lowest at 1.60% to the highest Idaho tax bracket at 7.40%. The marginal tax brackets will apply according to your earnings within each marginal tax bracket. A married couple filing jointly will most generally experience a wider tax bracket than single or individual filers. Be certain that you’re using the most current 2013 tax brackets to ensure accuracy.

Single Individuals Tax Brackets

  • Earnings between $0.00 and $1,380, you will pay 1.60%
  • Earnings between $1,380.00 and $2,760, you will pay 3.60% + $22.08
  • Earnings between $2,760.00 and $4,140, you will pay 4.10% + $71.76
  • Earnings between $4,140.00 and $5,520, you will pay 5.10% + $128.34
  • Earnings between $5,520.00 and $6,900, you wil pay 6.10% + $198.72
  • Earnings between $6,900.00 and $10,350, you will pay 7.10% + $282.90
  • Earnings over $10,350.00, you will pay 7.40% + $527.85

Married Couples Tax Brackets:

  • Earnings between $0.00 and $2,760, you will pay 1.60%
  • Earnings between $2,760.00 and $5,520, you will pay 3.60% + $44.16
  • Earnings between $5,520.00 and $8,280, you will pay 4.10% + $143.52
  • Earnings between $8,280.00 and $11,040, you will pay 5.10% + $256.68
  • Earnings between $11,040.00 and $13,800, you will pay 6.10% + $397.44
  • Earnings between $13,800.00 and $20,700, you will pay 7.10% + $565.80
  • Earnings over $20,700.00, you will pay 7.40% + $1,055.70


If you find that you’re unable to complete and file your individual returns by April 15th the state of Idaho will automatically grant you six months extension with no necessary forms. To acquire a valid extension that will assist you in avoiding any penalties, your tax amount that is withheld, as well as you other payments, should be at least 80% of your current year tax liability or 100% of the preceding tax year providing you filed taxes the preceding year. If you would like to see if you’re eligible to meet the extension requirements, you will need to complete the worksheet on Form 51.

Extension Mailing Addresses

Internal Revenue Service

  • P.O. Box 802503 Cincinnati, OH 45280-2503

 Where to Send a Tax Return

State Return Mailing Address:

  • Idaho State Tax Commission PO Box 56 – Boise ID 83756-0056

Return without Refund:

  • Idaho State Tax Commission PO Box 83784 – Boise ID 83707-3784


  • Idaho State Tax Commission PO Box 83784 -Boise ID 83707-3784


  • Website
  • Toll Free – 1(800) 972-7660
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