Download Kentucky Power of Attorney Forms and Templates

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Kentucky Power of Attorney Forms and Templates

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Download power of attorney forms for Kentucky by choosing any one of the forms below and completing on your own or with your selected Attorney-in-Fact. Once you have decided on the powers you would like to grant for your agent (Financial or Medical or Both), you may go have it authorized to become legal by authorizing in front of a notary public and at the very least have it signed in the presence of two (2) witnesses not related to either of the parties involved.

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  • Durable Financial – Use this document to arrange for someone else of your choosing (highly recommended to choose a trusted person) to be able to act on your behalf for any monetary/financial decision on your behalf. To get power of attorney in Kentucky, take this completed document with your agent to a notary public to have signed.
  • Medical – Also known as a “Health Care Surrogate Designation” or “Living Will Directive”, use this document as a way to select a health care agent (and secondary if needed) to serve as your decision maker in case you may not be able to do so for yourself. In order to get power of attorney in Kentucky, fill out this form and have notarized or signed with at least two (2) witnesses present. Read Law
  • Tax Matters – Legal for a resident of Kentucky to select someone else to handle his or her tax filing with the Department of Revenue on their behalf. The principal needs to complete this form every year for it to be valid and authorize.


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