Download Last Will and Testament Forms and Templates

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Last Will and Testament Forms and Templates

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Download the last will and testament to delegate possessions and assets to members of your family and friends. Also known as an “Estate”, the possessions will be handed out after your death and is usually conducted by an attorney.

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How to Write a Last Will and Testament

Step 1 – Make a list of all your assets and any possessions of any net value that you own. If there are items that you think may have sentimental value to certain family or friends, it may be a good idea to mark those down as well. These items will be primarily written in the will.

Step 2 – Decide the route in which to write your Will. There are three (3) main ways;

Step 3 – If you have decided to fill in the form yourself it is a good idea to view the State laws where you are a resident and make sure you are making a document that adhere’s to their requirements. Whether or not the State says it, it is a good idea to make sure the Will is notarized upon signing. You can find a notary public at every branch bank or locate one at

Step 4 – When filling out the form, make sure to identify yourself including your;

  • First, Middle, and Last Name
  • Address
  • Social Security Number
  • Driver’s License Number (if any)

Step 5 – List all possessions. Including anything that may be in your name such as;

  • Bank Accounts
  • Car(s)
  • Boat(s)
  • Business(es)
  • Property/Real Estate

Also, make sure to list anything that may have personal value to a family member or friend such as clothing or any certain item.

Step 6 – Select an Executor, this is the person that will be handling the Estate after your death. Make sure that this person is not only mature and responsible enough to handle this matter but to also take care of the Last Will and Testament until you pass.

  • This person may also have the power to sell assets, if the Principal should choose to grant the option, of anything such as real estate or equivalent assets.

Step 7 – Make sure to sign the Will in your traditional signature you have used all your life so that the document cannot be questioned. If you have any special requests now would be the time to make them.

After signing, make at least two (2) copies of the originals and keep them in a safe place until the time is necessary.


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