Download Latitude and Longitude Worksheets

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Latitude and Longitude Worksheets

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Latitude and longitude worksheets are to help students understand the lines that work as a grid on a map. You will find that the lines of Latitude will run East and West- Longitude, North and South. Combined, they create a grid that creates two circles, if you can imagine, that will circle the globe, each degree divided into 60 minutes.

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The lines of latitude are also known as parallels. This is so because the lines run parallel to one another. It is known that the Equator is located at 0 degrees latitude. The lines of longitude are called meridians, these lines all pass through the north and south poles.

The line for 0 degrees longitude will pass through Greenwich, England and is called the Prime Meridian. All of the other lines of longitude are measured east or west of the Prime Meridian in degrees. West meridians and East meridians meet in the Pacific Ocean at 180 degrees.

All places on earth have two points also known as coordinated, that will mark their respective locations. Study the worksheets in the links above to gain a better visual perspective with regard to the use of latitude and longitude.


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