Download Lobster Tails Recipe | PDF | RTF | Word

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Lobster Tails Recipe | PDF | RTF | Word

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Lobster is one of the most sought after dishes in restaurants or catering halls. It tends to be very pricey due to this popularity and people who enjoy lobster would say very little else can take its place. However, one doesn’t always want to wait for an occasion to enjoy a guilt-free lobster. A good solution to this is buying a lobster tail and cooking it at home. This is a very meaty part of the lobster and for a quiet dinner at home with friends or relatives it’s a fairly good option.

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Lobster tails on the whole are rather simple to make. If the tail is frozen, it must be thawed first. Generally, it’s a good idea to cook fish and crustaceans when they are at room temperature since cooking it cold may produce tougher meat additionally, if it is not allowed to thaw properly, it may take on a rubber-like quality with the consistency. A rubbery lobster tail would be a waste thus to thaw one properly, place the frozen lobster in the fridge for a day and then place covered on a counter top until it feels like its room temperature. A good thing to keep in mind is that lobster tails tend to curl up when they are heated.  So, once it is thawed and prepared make sure to skewer them for a good straight tail.

How to Cook a Lobster Tail

Ingredients Instructions
  1. Lobster Tails (As many as desired but expect two (2) per person and three (3) to four (4) for hungry guests.
  2. Quarter stick of butter for every tail.


Step 1 – To broil or bake it as a piggy back tail thaw the tail properly then take a pair of cooking shears and carefully insert the blade between the meat of the tail and the shell.

Step 2 – Make a lengthwise cut down the center of the shell only. It’s important to avoid removing the undershell.

Step 3 – Gently separate the two halves just enough to pull the tail meat through so it may rest on the shell. This is the point where one may season and apply a generous helping of butter.

Step 4 – The lobster is now ready broiled or baked in an oven which has been preheated to at least 350° F. Watch the tail carefully and remove when the meat becomes opaque. It should take no longer than about 1 minute per ounce.


Step 1 – Take the thawed tail and gently wash it under cool water for a few seconds then pat dry. Butter the underside generously by brushing it with melted butter.

Step 2 – The grill should be at a medium heat and slightly oiled for best results and the lobster tail should be placed with the shell side up. Grill it for about 3-4 minutes then flip it over for an additional 3-4 minutes or until the meat is no longer transparent.


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