Download Merit Badge Worksheets

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Merit Badge Worksheets

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Merit badges are acquired by doing specific tasks or duties to master something that may be useful in someone’s life or that may serve a community or even help in changing conditions globally.

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Interestingly, it seems there are more opportunities for badges available to boy scouts than girl scouts and therefore the worksheets that are available for girl scout merit badges are difficult to locate. However, there is no reason why a girl scout couldn’t access these worksheets and complete the tasks, even if for nothing more than their own desire to learn something new and make a difference with new found knowledge.

These worksheets and even printable work books that are available for boy scouts are available from cub scouts to eagle scouts, from community service and first aid to cooking and hiking and much more.

The worksheets and work books available will assist any scout, male or female, to document their work and record the results as they are completing their requirements for new merit badges.

Scouting is a wonderful and important position to take as a young person. As well, adults who take the time and energy to teach these young people deserve applause for their continued commitment into their own adulthood to help make lives, communities and the world a better place.

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