Download Multiplication Chart to 100 | PDF | WORD

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Multiplication Chart to 100 | PDF | WORD

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A Multiplication Chart 1-100 is a great way to start a youngster, or maybe someone who isn’t quite so young, on the road to learning how to do multiplication. At its essence, such a table will have ten columns labeled 1 through 10. There will also be 10 rows, also labeled 1 through 10. This will create a matrix of 100 spaces, with each space containing the value of the row and column defining it.

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It should be assumed that any learner using this chart already has a good basis in simple addition, in that he or she will understand that, for example, 7 plus 7 equals 14. That is, of course, the same as 2 7’s, or 2 times 7. Our learner finds the column labeled 2, and then finds the row labeled 7. The spot on the matrix where that row and that column intersect will hold the number 14. So, our learner has already begun practicing multiplication without having to have gone through the unpleasant process of memorization.

As he or she spends a few hours a week working on multiplication problems with the Multiplication Chart 1-100, the table’s contents will make an impression on the unburdened mind, and in a few months, from repetition, our new learner will gradually memorize its contents just through use and problem solving, and not from any unpleasant experiences involving mindless rote memorization.

A Multiplication Chart 1-100 has other subtle advantages. Firstly, it avoids the difficult concept of “zero” at this early stage. Secondly, it has ten rows and ten columns, which is exactly the same as the number of fingers on a hand. If the teacher approves, the learner can, in our example of 7 times 2, count out the problem on his or her fingers by counting out seven 2 times, and arrive at the same answer, 14, reinforcing the result. Lastly, the chart doesn’t go up to the non-intuitive number 12, as charts did in earlier years, making it all so much easier.

Of course, every teacher of basic arithmetic will want to have a Multiplication Chart 1-100 in full view of the students at all times, except, of course, when and if memorization itself has to be tested. It can easily be written out on a whiteboard or an easel. The teacher may decide that the creation of such a chart by a pupil or committee of pupils to be a great learning experience. There are also many fine examples of such a table available online.

There are many Multiplication Chart 1-100 templates that work with word processors and spreadsheets. The former are generally simply printed out. The ones that work with spreadsheets sometimes offer a very valuable additional feature. Our learner clicks on column 2, and the column changes color. He or she then clicks on row 7, and it changes to the same color as column 2. Then, the entry on the matrix where the row and column intersect and contain 14 changes to a different color. This will provide a powerful introduction to using computers, and may even inflame the minds of the more precocious pupils with curiosity about other more advanced topics in math and computers.


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