Download New York Prenuptial Agreement Template

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New York Prenuptial Agreement Template

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The New York prenuptial agreement, otherwise known as a “Premarital Agreement”, is a legal document that is negotiated before a marriage that outlines the financial details if the partnership was to break, or divorce, in the future. The form is more common among wealthier couples who want to establish the separation of assets including property, support payments, and cash.

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Every agreement is different and there some couples have stipulations where the spouse will receive more money if there are children or if the marriage lasts beyond a particular date or time period. Once the agreement has been authorized by both parties, and before the marriage takes place, the agreement becomes legally binding.

It is highly recommended that the parties involved sign the document in the presence of a notary public. In the event of a divorce the agreement does not guarantee the separation will end as intended, as all agreements are subject to the judge’s review at the time of divorce.

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