Download North Dakota Divorce Papers and Forms

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North Dakota Divorce Papers and Forms

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The North Dakota divorce forms are used to file a no-fault dissolution of marriage under the grounds of Irreconcilable differences. One of the spouses must have been a resident for at least six (6) months and all filings must be made in the county court clerk’s office where the petitioner, or filing spouse, is located.

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How to File for Divorce in North Dakota

Step 1 – The petitioner, or filing party, must fill out the following form;

*Attach the Verification to all the forms in order to certify them as being notarized.

Step 2 – Send the Complaint and Summons to the Defendant along with the forms above and the Affidavit of Service. The forms must be completed, where needed, by the defendant and given back to the petitioner.

Step 3 – Gather all the forms and fill in the Affidavit of Proof when filing with the Court (See Locations). There will be an $80 fee associated with the filing.

Step 4 – The court may require a hearing if the Judge feels the need to do so. In this scenario, all the forms that have been filled-in must be brought to the hearing including the completed;

Step 5 – Whether a hearing happens or not, once the court sends the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Order for Judgment and the Judgment, it must be re-filed with the court to make the divorce final.

Individual Forms


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