Download North Dakota Power of Attorney Forms – PDF Templates

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North Dakota Power of Attorney Forms – PDF Templates

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Power of attorney in North Dakota permits a person to choose another to assist in making financial or health care decisions on his or her behalf. Make sure the person selected is a trusted individual as he or she will have the unlimited power to act on the other person’s behalf.

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Durable Financial – Use this document to allow another person to be able to handle any type of monetary decision to your benefit. Once the document is completed, signed, and Notarized it is good for use at any public or private institution.

Medical – Select an agent to handle any medical treatment options in the chance that you may not be able to make them yourself due to a mental condition. This can be a result of risky surgery, dementia including alzheimer’s disease, or any mental impairment that does not allow you to think with a free and clear mind.

  • If you would rather make your own life ending treatment options it may be best to create a living will.

Tax Representative (Form 500) – Allows a person, usually a tax attorney or certified public accountant (CPA), to be able to make filing with the State Tax Commissioner. Must be attached with any filing made by the preparer.

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