Download North Carolina Power of Attorney Forms – PDF Templates

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North Carolina Power of Attorney Forms – PDF Templates

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The North Carolina power of attorney documents generally let a person to be able to legally select someone else to handle monetary or health care situations and decisions on their behalf. All forms must be signed with a certified Notary present or two (2) witnesses that have no relation to the parties authorizing.

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Durable Financial – This template allows a person to fill in and complete a financial power of attorney in North Carolina. All you need to do is select the person you would like to make decisions on your behalf and write the exact responsibilities he or she will be able to make. Print this document and take your selected agent to the bank or wherever there is a Notary to make legal.

View Laws on Financial power of attorney

Medical – Use this form to create a relationship with another person to let he or she be able to make any type of medical decision (as described when filling in) on your behalf. The document may only be used if you can no longer make the health care decisions yourself and the form must be Notarized to be enforceable.

View Laws on Health Care Power of AttorneyChapter 32A – Article 3 (Download in PDF)

Motor Vehicle (MVR-63) – Use this document to allow someone else to be able to handle a vehicle that you own that is located within the State of North Carolina. This gives the right of the person selected to be able to register, transfer, or anything the owner shall request in relation to the vehicle. This form is most commonly used to select someone to sell a vehicle if the owner is not in the area. Must be authorized by the Principal in the presence of a Notary Public in order to be legal.

State Tax Representative – Use this document to select anyone you choose to be able to handle your tax filing on your behalf. Typically this document will be attached to your tax return when submitting to the North Carolina Department of Revenue.

Real Estate Only (Limited) – Elect someone to handle the selling of real estate on your behalf. It is common to elect an attorney to handle a closing on behalf of the seller.

Revocation – Use to cancel any power of attorney document created in North Carolina.

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