Download Printable Blank Bingo Card Templates

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Printable Blank Bingo Card Templates

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Use the blank bingo card template to play by printing or on your computer, iPhone, iPod, or iPad. This Adobe PDF format has blank fillable spaces for any person to play bingo with family or friends.

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Create Your Own

You may also choose to create your own sheet by going to and entering the following information;

  • Listing the bingo card size (5 or 3 per row usually)
  • Number of Cards
  • Cards per Sheet
  • Use Samples such as the popular Baby Shower
  • Include Phrases
  • Creating a Title

How to Play Bingo

You will need the following materials;

  • Numbered Balls
  • Ball Spinner
  • Bingo Cards
  • Chips

If you do not have these you can also play by putting numbers in a hat that match the numbers on the bingo cards.

  • Step 1 – Materials – Get the materials together and make sure everyone has a card. It is best to have a third (3rd) party be the person that handles the calling of the numbers from the balls. If not, any one of the players may choose to be the caller.
  • Step 2 – Rotate – Rotate the balls and when the caller is ready, reveal a new number to the individuals with cards.
  • Step 3 – Mark – If your number has been called, be sure to mark down the placement on the card.
  • Step 4 – Five or Three in a Row – Depending on which version you play, 5 for American and 3 for Europe/Australia, once a straight line has been made it is the job of the winner to shout “BINGO”.
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