Download Professional Thank You Letters

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Professional Thank You Letters

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Professional thank you letters are often overlooked in employment circumstances, but it is always polite to show your appreciation when a client, coworker, manager, or someone else assists you. Whether it is a potential employer taking time to interview you, or you have just finished a large project for a client, thanking the other parties will impress them and make you stand out.

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Related Professional Thank You Letters

How to Write a Professional Thank You Letter

The general format for any type of professional thank you letter will be the same. First, there will be a heading at the top with your name, your address, and you can include your phone number and email address, all aligned left or center. Then you will skip a space, type the date, skip another space, and then type the name of the party you’re thanking, his or her position and company, and the company’s address.

Here is an example

John Martin
445 Yulis Way
Topeka, KS 66616

October 12, 2013

Janice Claire
Associate Partner
Beckman & Laurey
210 Summit Parkway
Topeka, KS 66616

  • Next, you will open the letter with a salutation such as “Dear Mr./Ms. [last name]:” The body of the letter can be several sentences or two paragraphs, depending on the nature of the letter. Begin by sincerely expressing appreciation for the time the recipient took to work with you. For example, if you are writing to a colleague who went out of the way to do extra research to help you finish your project, be sure to mention that specifically.
  • Likewise, for formal interviews or informational interviews, say you appreciate the time the person took to discuss the position you are interested in.
  • Compliment the recipient as well on the work she did and say specifically how it helped you. Here, you can mention a specific skill the person had and how the skill helped with a specific task. For post-interview letters, give additional specific reasons about how you’d make a great fit for the position after what you learned about it in the interview.
  • Finally, thank the recipient again and say that you intend to stay in touch, and you can even add that you would recommend his or her services to other colleagues. For post-interview letters, restate your interest in the position in addition to thanking the interviewer for their time.
  • For the closing, write “Sincerely,” or “Best regards,” and then write your signature below, followed by your typed name. Proofread the letter carefully so you don’t submit it with typos or mistakes in grammar.
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