Download South Carolina Department of Revenue Tax Forms

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South Carolina Department of Revenue Tax Forms

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South Carolina tax forms allow for residents to file their income and other payments with the Department of Revenue on their own or with the use of a certified preparer. Tax preparation professionals who are approved by the Internal Revenue Service to file returns electronically will also be able to E-File with the State of South Carolina. South Carolina tax preparation professional who have filed more than 100 South Carolina returns in the last tax season are now required to file all individual South Carolina state income tax returns electronically.

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Tax Brackets

The state of South Carolina has twelve marginal tax brackets. The lowest tax bracket is 0.00% the highest SC tax bracket is 7.00%. Each marginal rate only applies to your earnings within the applicable tax bracket. These brackets are the same in South Carolina for single filers as they are for married couples filing jointly.

Single Tax Brackets

  • Earnings between $0.00 and $2,850, you will pay 0.00%
  • Earnings between $2,850.00 and $5,700, you will pay 3.00% + $0.00
  • Earnings between $5,700.00 and $8,550, you will pay 4.00% + $85.50
  • Earnings between $8,550.00 and $11,400, you will pay 5.00% + $199.50
  • Earnings between $11,400.00 and $14,250, you will pay 6.00% + $342.00
  • Earnings over $14,250.00, you will pay 7.00% + $513.00


If you will be in receipt of a refund of state income taxes in South Carolina you will be allowed  the same extension of time that is allowed by your federal extension. If you do not have a federal extension or if you will have a balance due, you must file SC 4868.

Extension Mailing Address

  • SC Department of Revenue Income Tax Columbia, SC 29214-0013

Where to Send a Tax Return

State Return Mailing Address

  • SC1040 Processing Center PO Box 101100 Columbia, SC 29211-0100

Return without Refund

  • Taxable Processing Center PO Box 101105 Columbia, SC 29211-0105


  • Taxable Processing Center PO Box 101105 Columbia, SC 29211-0105
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