Download Spring Cleaning Checklist | PDF

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Spring Cleaning Checklist | PDF

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It’s natural during winter to go into a sort of hibernation mode, even though we humans, strictly speaking, don’t actually hibernate. But, no matter, once Spring has sprung, it’s time to get with it and come alive again, and the first thing to do is clean out our “cave” and make it fit again for civilized living.

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Cleaning your abode after winter’s torpor may seem like a daunting task at first, but there’s generally no need to get an environmental impact statement or to call in the Army Corps of Engineers. But, we do need to get organized, and that’s where a Spring Cleaning Checklist comes in.

The first thing we do with our Spring Cleaning Checklist is to compartmentalize our campaign in order to make it more manageable, and what that requires is to organize it by room. If you live in an apartment, it means that you have to attack your bathroom, hallway, bedroom, kitchen and living room.

So, for each room, list the cleaning tasks that need to be done. Then, after each task, put in a check box that can be marked off when the task is completed.

For the bathroom, the toughest tasks are cleaning and disinfecting the toilet, scrubbing the sink, and cleaning the bathtub. The floor will also need to be attended to, as will the walls.

For the hallway, the Spring Cleaning Checklist will undoubtedly include getting rid of accumulated winter clutter, such as overshoes and snow shovels. The floor will need either cleaning or shampooing, depending on its surface.

In the bedroom, the first thing you will undoubtedly want to tackle is to change all of the bedding. You will also want to reorganize your closets to reflect the change in weather, and the same for your dresser. You will also need to clean your floors and your windows.

Our Spring Cleaning Checklist wouldn’t be complete without addressing the kitchen, and the first task will be to clean out that refrigerator and the cabinets, and after the accumulated refuse is removed, they should be thoroughly cleaned. The sink must be cleaned, as must be the microwave, the oven and the windows. The ceiling, too, must be cleaned, removing any accumulated cooking grease.

In the living room, everything must be dusted. This includes the ceiling and its light fixtures, the windowsills, and all the furniture. If there is a carpet, now is the time to shampoo it.

And, most important of all – change the batteries in the smoke detector, in whatever room it’s installed in!

Of course, everyone’s apartment is different, and so your Spring Cleaning Checklist may be different than mine, but the idea is to create such a list and work with it, so that the job gets done as quickly and with as little wasted time and effort as possible.


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