Download Thank You Notes for Teachers | Samples

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Thank You Notes for Teachers | Samples

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A thank you note for a teacher provides kind words for work that is appreciated with kind words will reassure his or her positive effect on students. Children often spend more time with teachers than any other adults, and teachers can develop students’ potential and help shape their future, so they are due gratitude. Letting them know exactly how they’ve enhanced your child’s life will make the teacher feel the value of their work.

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How to Write


The style of the note should be friendly and warm, so you don’t need professional formatting or business language. Using a simple premade thank you note will add a touch of sincerity, however.

  1. Brainstorm

First, think about the specific ways the teacher has influenced your child’s life. Take notes using precise words and phrases. Has the teacher instilled a curiosity about US history or nature? Maybe the teacher simply made the students more interest in learning by engaging them with fun but informative activities or assignments. A thank you note is more appropriate if the teacher took extra time to help your child improve in an area where he or she was falling behind.

  1. Writing

Begin the note with “Dear Ms./Mr. [teacher’s last name],” and open with a statement thanking the teacher broadly. For example, you could write something similar to “Thank you for taking the time to tutor Jill in factoring,” or “Thank you for making this school year so informative and fun for Ryan.”

Then, move into specific instances that demonstrate how the teacher’s work enhanced the student’s knowledge, for example, or made learning fun. Include any other benefits that the teacher’s work had. For example, a student might begin gardening or taking an interest in plants because of a science teacher’s efforts.

End the note by wishing the teacher a great next semester, holiday, or summer, and then add a concluding “Sincerely,” or “Best regards,” before signing the note.

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