Download Vermont Department of Taxes Tax Forms

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Vermont Department of Taxes Tax Forms

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Vermont tax forms allow for a person to file individual or corporate taxes with the Department of Revenue by themselves or through the use of an approved preparer. Tax preparation professionals who prepare returns in the state of Vermont must be accepted to participate in the Internal Revenue Service e-file program are automatically accepted for Vermont e-file. No separate Vermont state approval is required. You must use Vermont approved software.

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Tax Brackets

In the state of Vermont imposes ten marginal tax brackets from the lowest at 3.55% and the highest being 8.95%. Marginal rates only are only going to apply to earnings within the appropriate applicable marginal tax bracket In the state of Vermont.

Single Tax Brackets

  • Earnings between $0.00 and $36,250, you will pay 3.55%
  • Earnings between $36,250.00 and $87,850, you will pay 6.80% + $1,286.87
  • Earnings between $87,850.00 and $183,250, you will pay 7.80% + $4,795.68
  • Earnings between $183,250.00 and $398,350, you will pay 8.80% + $12,236.88
  • Earnings over $398,350.00, you will pay 8.95% + $31,165.68

Married Tax Brackets

  • Earnings between $0.00 and $60,550, you will pay 3.55%
  • Earnings between $60,550.00 and $146,400, you will pay 6.80% + $2,149.52
  • Earnings between $146,400.00 and $223,050, will pay 7.80% + $7,987.33
  • Earnings between $223,050.00 and $398,350, you will pay 8.80% + $13,966.03
  • Earnings over $398,350.00, you will pay 8.95% + $29,392.43


Those filing taxes in the state of Vermont will automatically be extended a six month amount of time to file their state taxes providing they have been approved for the same on a federal level.

  • VT Department of Taxes PO Box 1779 Montpelier, VT 05601-1779

Where to Send a Tax Return

State Return Mailing Address

  • VT Department of Taxes PO Box 1881 Montpelier, VT 05601-1881

Return without Refund

  • VT Department of Taxes PO Box 1779 Montpelier, VT 05601-1779


  • Vermont Department of Taxes PO Box 1779 Montpelier, VT 05601-1779
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