Download Weekly Schedule Templates | Excel | PDF | Word

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Weekly Schedule Templates | Excel | PDF | Word

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weekly schedule, one that we take the time we write ourselves (and add to as we go) is most likely the most efficient way to function these days. Weekly scheduling of events works very well to keep the overload to a minimum.

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Even if you’re working from home, it’s even more difficult to meet all of the demands of job, family, friends, the list is endless- it’s so endless that without having a schedule taped to our foreheads, we lose track sometimes… or just give up entirely and go to sleep instead.

How to Use

Print off a scheduling template, find a quiet place when you can and begin to write down all of the things that must be accomplished in the week ahead. If you stick to scheduling one week at a time as opposed to a month, two months or six months away it will be much easier to remain focused on the most immediate appointments and obligations not only to others but to one’s self. You really should schedule some time for yourself for overload recovery while you’re planning your weekly schedule.

You may even consider planning your weekly menu. You may find that planning your menu on your schedule will save money inasmuch as you will probably tend to only purchase what you need as opposed to wandering aimlessly through the grocery store, hoping for the best. It’s worth a try.

In the links above there are some simple weekly schedule templates to print off and fill in. You may always add those last minute emergency appointments as your week progresses if needed.


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