Download Wyoming LLC Articles of Organization Forms

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Wyoming LLC Articles of Organization Forms

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Download and complete the Wyoming articles of organization to form a new LLC. This form must be accompanied along with the filing fee of $100 and submitted to the Secretary of State.

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  • Check the Name – Make sure to check the entity name you will be using in the business database to confirm that it is not registered already.

How to File

Step 1 – Download – Complete the articles of organization document that best fits the company you are trying to make;

  • Domestic – Most Popular – Use this form for any company that will have a principal address within the State.
  • Foreign – This is mainly used for companies located outside the State (Examples if they were LLC’s: McDonald’s, Apple, etc.) seeking to do business in Wyoming.

Step 2 – Fee – Pay the filing fee of $100 and make payable to the Wyoming Secretary of State.

Step 3 – Mail – Send both the filing fee and the completed form to the following address:

send to the Secretary of State’s office located at:

Wyoming Secretary of State
200 West 24th Street
Cheyenne, WY 82002

Contact Information


  • Apply for an EIN – Otherwise known as a Employer Identification Number, this number must be obtained from the IRS either through the paper or online application. It is free to get and once retrieved the company may start conducting financial activities and the ability to open bank accounts.
  • Operating Agreement – This is a legal contract that allows partners within a company to be able to make an agreement with each other over the percentage of how much each person owns, profit sharing, capital invested, and any other details that need to be established. The primary use is to protect partners from each other.


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