Download Delaware Power of Attorney Forms and Templates

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Delaware Power of Attorney Forms and Templates

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The Delaware power of attorney forms allow for a person to select someone else to handle monetary or health care (or both) on his or her behalf. In order to get this designation, all parties must complete and sign the document in front of a notary public (Find one at any branch bank in the United States). After signing keep originals in a safe accessible place in case they need to be used at anytime. Either party may view the full set of rules and laws by reading Title 12 Decedents’ Estates and Fiduciary Relations.

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  • Durable Financial – Choose a person to represent your best interests for any type of financially related transaction on your behalf. The person selected may decide anything from writing checks to selling a home in your name. The document must be authorized in front of a notary public. See Law
  • Health Care – Allows a person to be able to make health care decisions on your account in case you cannot do so for yourself due to a mental or medical condition. Both Principal and Agent must sign this form in the presence of a Notary Public.
  • Vehicle  – Choose someone to be able to handle the transfer of title of an automobile on your behalf. This is commonly used for when the owner is not in the area and he or she is able to select a friend or family member to handle this for them.

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