Download South Carolina Power of Attorney Forms

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South Carolina Power of Attorney Forms

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South Carolina power of attorney forms permit a the designation of someone else to handle monetary, medical, tax (State), and vehicle related affairs on your behalf. According to State law, the document must be signed in front of a notary public or at least two (2) adult witnesses with no blood relation to the principal (person being represented).

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Form Explanations

Durable (Financial) – Use to assign an agent to have the power to make any kind of monetary related decision on your behalf. This is the most common form but should be taken with the most caution as the person selected will have the ultimate power to act in your presence even if you should become incapacitated and not able to think for yourself.

Medical – Use to create a relationship that allows a person to handle medical decisions on behalf of the other ONLY if he or she cannot speak for themselves. This document serves as a safety net in case something should happen and you would like to have a trusted individual make any and all health care decisions to your benefit.

Tax Filing (SC2848) – Allows a resident of South Carolina to be able to select a representative to handle any and all tax filings with the Department of Revenue. This document must be updated every year it is used.

DMV (MC-25) – Provided by the Department of Motor Vehicles lets a person select someone else to be able to handle all title and registration responsibilities in relation to a vehicle that he or she owns. This is commonly used for when a person is not in the area and he or she would like someone else to keep the vehicle updated with registration or outright sell it. All decisions must be made in the best interest of the person being represented and the document must be authorized with a Notary present to be enforceable.


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