Download Pennsylvania Articles of Incorporation Forms

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Pennsylvania Articles of Incorporation Forms

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Download and complete the profit, non-profitforeign, or non-profit cooperative Pennsylvania articles of incorporation form in order to create a corporation. Send the completed document along with the filing fee to the Secretary of State’s office.

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  • Check Corporation Name – Verify that the name you intend on applying with has not been registered previously.

How to File

Step 1 – Select and Complete – Choose the form that best fits what your intentions are;

  • Domestic Profit – Most Common – Principal office address will be located within Pennsylvania.
  • Domestic Non-Profit – Non-profit organization whose principal office address will be located within Pennsylvania.
  • Foreign (Certificate of Authority) – For all Profit and Nonprofit corporations whose business is located outside the State.
  • Non-Profit Cooperative

Step 2 – Pay the Fee – Make all checks payable to the Pennsylvania Secretary of State in the amount of:

  • Profit – $125
  • Non-Profit – $125
  • Foreign – $250
  • Cooperative – $125

Step 3 – Mail – Send the completed form along with the required fee (As seen above) to the following address:

Department of State
Bureau of Corporations and Charitable Organizations
P.O. Box 8722
Harrisburg, PA 17105-8722


  • Apply for an EIN – This will allow your business to conduct business activity and register a bank account. If not, your company will not be allowed to be apart of any financially related transactions.


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