Download Generic Credit Card Authorization Forms

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Generic Credit Card Authorization Forms

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Use the generic credit card authorization form to get the details of a person’s credit or debit card for a future charge. This may be used to take a payment over the phone, fax, or from a representative of the cardholder.

How to Fill-in


The following information must be obtained in order to process:

  • Credit Card Number, Expiration Date, and Security Code (*on American Express cards the Security Code is on the front)
  • Billing Street Address (Must be the same address of where the statement is sent)
  • Cardholder’s Name

Make sure the person that is charging the card signs the document and that they show identification to prove who they claim to be. The party’s card that is being charged must acknowledge their commitment to pay the amount on behalf of the person appearing for payment either on the phone, through the fax, or via email.

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