Download Indiana Notary Public Forms

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Indiana Notary Public Forms

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The State of Indiana now requires that all applications and procedures with regard to Notary Public application must be completed online only. You may find all guides, training, instructions and forms within the following links.

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A Notary Public in Indiana is a commissioned officer by the Secretary of State who will serve as an impartial witness to various notarial duties within the county in which they reside but may serve as a state wide officer.

  • Requirements
    • Must be at least 18 years of age.
    • Must be a legal resident of the State of Indiana
    • Must not have been convicted of a crime requiring more than six months of imprisonment.
    • Notaries will be granted an eight year term and state wide jurisdiction but may not operate outside of their respective county limits.

How to Become a Notary

Step 1 – Procure Surety Bond – In the state of Indiana, prior to completing application you must have a $5,000 surety bond in place. After you’ve secured this bond you will need the type of bond and the bonding number to place appropriately on your application. You may locate various bonding companies and insurance companies that provide bonding services in your local directory or online.

Step 2 – Application Submission – Once you’ve received your bonding information you may then go online to the links above review the training materials and complete your application for Notary Public. A $10 fee will be required. You will also take your oath of office in this location.

Step 4 – Order Your Seal and Supplies – After you have completed all of the necessary steps and received your commission, it will be necessary to order your personal official seal and supplies. You may procure these items from any company who specializes in notarial supplies. Once you’ve received your supplies you will then be prepared to begin your practice as an Indiana State Notary Public officer.


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